Horse Head 0.3

This week’s episode stars Kellan Hancock and an Ice Skating Bear. Kellan was much more cooperative on set than the bear. And don’t worry Kellan, that part where you walk on glass and lay on a bed of nails will see the light of day. Also appearing is Aaron Spaace!

Horse Head 0.4

Humans were not always in full control inside of the Horse Space. Sometimes you got an experience you didn’t know you wanted.

Please support our show by liking its Facebook page – Horse Head!

Kellan Hancock
Jim Dandy – Sideshow
Victoria V Ixen

Cherie Sweetbottom
Danny Cavalier

Music by:
Steve Hilmy

Written & Directed by:
Rob Parrish

Produced by:
Chris Griffin

Special Thanks:
The Bier Baron Tavern and Comedy Loft
Arlington Independent Media

#sharpobjects #virtualreality #dmvburlesque #horseheadshow #outofcontrol

Horse Head 0.6 of 52/Run Time 60 Secs.

Today we debut the new naming convention! I’ve gotten feedback that people are “liking” Horse Head episodes on social media, but swiping on by, thinking, “oh, that video will be long, I’ll come back and look at it later.” Horse Head was designed to be bite-sized — because that’s one of the key sizes of the human future (i.e., very small and very big). Horse Head – A petit bonbon for the eyes, ears, and mind!

Since the last episode, the team was informed that Horse Head’s first 10 episodes will be part of Local Filmmakers Night: Horror Edition at the fabulous Suns Cinema in Washington, D.C.! 

Kellan Hancock
Jim Dandy – Sideshow
Victoria V Ixen

Written & Directed by:
Rob Parrish

Produced by:
Chris Griffin

Special Thanks:
The Bier Baron Tavern and Comedy Loft
Arlington Independent Media
Lauree McArdle

Horse Head 0.07 of 52/Runtime 60 Second (Horse Head Handstand)

We learn some important information regarding our narrator, Ray. But, where is Ray exactly? Why is he telling this story? Mystery upon mystery.

Big thanks to Carson Clay Calhoun for playing Horse Head, even though he was under the weather (you can’t tell can you!). And to the wonderful and amazing Sasha Lord, who to help a friend dove into acting and potato chips! Finally, huge thanks to Jason Horowitz for letting us use his studio AND his ART (that’s his big meat picture). Jason is an incredibly gifted photographer and good friend. Check out more of his work at his website.

Horse Head 0.9 of 52

Today’s episode shows images from the time that Ray imprisoned Horse Head in a desert-shaped cage. Very hot . . . temperature-wise. Very black and white too.

Production Notes: Big thanks to John Howard for composing and performing the music for this episode. Beautiful work!

Also thanks to Maribeth Egan and Ruby Parrish (facebook refuser) for shooting this episode. We shot this on a Utah family vacation several years ago at Canyonlands National Park and Dead Horse (yeah, dead horse!!) State Park (where we spent the night in a yurt that was super swank!).

Horse Head 0.11 of 52 (POTUS)

The episode begins, “The President wanted to fuck.” No, not THAT President. But, the one who led the U.S. of Earth 270 during a time before the apocalypse that is the subject the INTERNET TELEVISUAL Series, Horse Head Season Zero.

Horse Head is weird, funny, and cinematic! — an elliptically beautiful narrative examining perhaps the most pressing issue of our times: the process of humans merging with our technology.

Each Season Zero Episode (with special exceptions) will be exactly 60-seconds long. Brick-by-brick, bit-by-60-second-bit, a narrative full of romance, horror, and adventure will unfold!

Starring Amy Baska as the POTUS and Cyle Christopher Durkee as Horse Head.